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3 Pools
Just For You!

Nothing quenches the blazing heat like a dip in the pool! We offer three different sized pools that cater toward any age. 


Olympic Size Pool - Several lanes dedicated to lap-swim and exercising. 

Diving Pool - Low and high dive 

Kiddie Pool - Separately fenced in


Lifeguards are stationed around both of the larger pools to ensure safety for attendees. 


10 minute breaks are given at the end of every hour.

Female Swimmers


Open daily:

(Sunday - Saturday)


11:30am - 7:00pm​



*hours are subject to change

due to weather 

Pool Ladder


All Day Passes

Student = $3.00

Adult = $5.00



*Children under the age of 5 admitted into the baby pool at no charge. Adults must pay daily rate.


*Season Passes Available*

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